Thor: The Dark World

We created concepts for the Dark Elf and the Asguardian spacecraft, designed many key action frames, including the epic moment when the Dark Elf ship crashes into Odin’s throne room.



Service lines

Concept Art



Release Date

October 2013

The Ark

The challenge with the Ark was trying to come up with a design that was unique. There’s been a lot of great spaceships created in the last twenty, thirty, forty years of film making. It’s quite a trick to come up with something that hasn’t been seen before. So there were many, many, many concepts done of different types of vehicles before we got to the final design.
– Charles Wood, Production Designer
Featured in The Art of Thor: The Dark World

Dark Elf Harrows

​”The Harrow ships are the fighter craft. Unlike the monolithic mother ship, they are fast and agile. We had the idea that they hang from the underside of the mother ship like stalactites. Once initiated into action, they detach and free fall like a rock. But when their dark-matter engines fire up, they are able to tear off at terrific speed.

We themed the Harrow ships on a number of things – bird wings and also ancient sword blades – taking our cue from the design of the mother ship.
– Cumron Ashtiani, Atomhawk CEO (2013)
Featured in The Art of Thor: The Dark World