Naoko Takeuchi, born in 1967, is a Japanese manga artist, best known as the creator of Sailor Moon, one of the most popular manga series of all time. Kasia Slupecka chose Naoko because her work was a gateway to Kasia discovering Japanese culture and her passion for art. “I remember when I first saw the Sailor Moon manga, the artwork was like nothing that nine-year-old me had seen before,” she said. “The story and character designs were so different from other kid’s cartoons I‘d seen. I became obsessed with drawing the sailor scouts and learning the style. Discovering her art will be always an important part of my life.”
Tove Jansson, born 1914, was a Finnish illustrator, comic strip author and novelist, best known as the creator of the internationally beloved Moomins. Konsta Nikkilä expressed that she was important to his culture as a fellow Finn and hopes more people around the world can learn about how awesome she was.