What kind of artist would suit this role?
To excel in this role, you will need a strong understanding of fundamental skills such as knowledge of anatomy, character design and clothing/costume design. Ideally you should be able to communicate your thinking quickly and effectively via sketches.
Character design often comprises of an in-depth exploration stage so being able to explore and iterate upon a design is key. A strong sense of design will allow you to problem solve to create a character that fits into any setting, world, or style. An artist suitable for this role should be able to create a high-fidelity level of finish to their work. They should be able to communicate lighting, form, materials, and textures in their final render.
What should I include in my portfolio to impress?
We would need to see strong examples of character designs, whether they are realistic or have a stylized flair. We would love to see the entire design process for your character art. Share your initial sketches and subsequent iterations. The journey of your character design: your exploration, thinking and reasoning behind your choices are equally as important as being able to create a polished end result. Sharing each stage of our work in a presentable way is an integral part of our day-to-day process, so it’s something we are always looking for.